KOHPA® therm
With a material thickness of only 0.2 mm, the lightest and thinnest surface heating is one of a kind on the market – made exclusively with natural and recycled carbon fibers. In addition to its good shapability, the patented material is breathable, dimensionally stable, and easy to process. KOHPA® therm defines itself by its specially developed contact strips (contacting). Low-voltage, in the range of 24V – 42V, can be applied to the contacting by qualified personnel. KOHPA® therm may only be used as surface heating with original contacts. With cost savings of up to 24% compared to conventional heating systems, this product is a groundbreaking energy revolution solution.
The world’s thinnest and lightest surface heating!
- Natural breathability
- contact without noticeable changes in thickness
- no carbon-nanotubes
- no foil carrier
- 99% recycling material
- only 80g/m²
- easily shapable
Frequently Asked Questions
What does KOHPA® stand for?
The name comes from the word, in German, KOHlenstofffaserPApier (Carbon fiber paper).
What is the material made of?
From natural and carbon fibers.
How is the paper electroconductive?
Carbon fibers are electrically conductive.
How is KOHPA® manufactured?
On a conventional paper machine.
How does the electricity get into the paper?
On the edges of KOHPA® therm, conductive contact strips are applied for the plus and minus poles.
Note: KOHPA® therm may only be used as surface heating with its original contacts.
How does the electricity enter?
The poles are professionally and correctly connected to a transformer or switching network.
Note: KOHPA® therm may only be used as surface heating with its original contacts.
What voltage can be fed in?
24-42 V in the harmless low-voltage range.
How is the heat generated?
The electrons of the electric current reach the carbon fibers via the contact strips attached to the sides. Hence, it can warm up within seconds.
What surface temperature can be reached?
Infrared heat of 35°C is achieved – this means around 15°C above room temperature.
What is infrared heating?
The heat produced by KOHPA® therm can be compared to the warmth of the sun’s rays.
What amount of time is needed before the warmth can be felt?
How does KOHPA® therm compare to conventional heating?
As an infrared heater, KOHPA® therm creates a feel-good climate, which achieves the same effect as convection heating when the room temperature is 2 – 3°C lower. By reducing the room temperature by 1°C, heating costs of 6% are saved.
How does the overall cost structure compare to conventional heating?
Low investment costs, no maintenance costs, no wear and tear, no resources provision needed.
How high is the energy consumption?
The area output is 150 W/m².
Can KOHPA® therm be used together with photovoltaic systems?
Yes! KOHPA® therm is operated with electricity. This makes self-sufficient heating possible.
What are the advantages for those who have dust allergies with KOHPA® therm heating?
Compared to conventional radiators, KOHPA® therm does not generate any dust turbulence at all.
Where can I buy KOHPA® therm?
KOHPA® therm is not available for private sale yet. Only for industrial customers on request.
How is KOHPA® therm installed?
Installation von KOHPA® therm can only be installed by qualified personnel.
Submit a request for
KOHPA® therm now
KOHPA® therm is currently available for residential and commercial customers exclusively in Austria and Bavaria through our distribution partner 3D-eHEAT. Please visit our partner's website at www.3D-eHEAT.com. Further territories are in preparation and will be communicated via our Newsletter.
If you are an industrial customer and would like to contact us, we would be pleased to hear from you.
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